Financial and market-based instruments are important as they deliver a price signal, which provides an incentive for firms to invest in innovation or implement more energy-efficient technologies and deliver energy savings whilst minimising costs. These instruments can have significant advantages for governments, supporting the fiscal sustainability of governments’ energy efficiency efforts, requiring less enforcement than regulation and according the market the flexibility to select the most cost-efficient technologies.

Dr Tapan Sarker from the Department of Business Strategy and Innovation recently participated in an international Roundtable in Singapore on Financing Energy Efficiency in the Manufacturing Sector.

The purpose of the event was to bring together international experts to assess energy efficiency financing programs and the market barriers that persist to impede access to energy efficiency finance in Singapore’s manufacturing sector. Participants were asked to recommend improvements to existing program designs, and identify next steps toward the design and implementation of new government and private sector interventions.

Participants for the Roundtable on Energy Efficiency Financing and Market-based Instruments held in Singapore, 25-26 March 2019. (Photo supplied)

“The next steps are to investigate what new financial products, services, or market-based instruments can be introduced for Singapore to enable broader end-user and market player access to energy efficiency finance.”

The presenters shared their expertise based on their experiences in Singapore, California, Europe, China, India, Japan, Bangladesh and Australia. If you would like more information about the presentations, the individual slides are available at: