In recent weeks, India has been more vocal about the Ukraine conflict than at the start of the war, beginning with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remark, made in a mid-September 2022 meeting with Vladimir Putin at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit, that this was “not a time for war”. Since then, India’s Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar has spoken out repeatedly about the broader price being paid for Russia’s invasion, including the “escalating costs of food, fuel and fertilisers”.

Yet, India’s position on the war has so far not changed in any substantive way. On 1 October, India abstained on a Security Council Resolution condemning Russia’s attempt to annex Ukraine’s four breakaway regions following a sham referendum. A few days later, it abstained again on another Resolution on the forced annexations, this time in the UN General Assembly (UNGA). These actions made it clear: India remains as reluctant to directly criticise Putin’s actions as it was when he launched his invasion back in late February.

Please click here to read the full “Why India won’t break with Russia… yet” article published at 9Dashline, written by Griffith Asia Institute Acting Director, Professor Ian Hall.