As the strategic dynamics of the Asia Pacific change, maintaining Queensland’s global outlook and connections with the neighbourhood has never been more vital. China is currently Queensland’s largest two-way trading partner and export market. These networks have been strengthened by people-to-people, city-to-city and institutional connections that have cultivated successful partnerships and collaboration across a range of sectors for the benefit of both Queensland and China.
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Queensland-Shanghai Sister State relationship, Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) partnered with Griffith Asia Institute to reflect on the evolution of the Queensland-China relationship from a cultural and business perspective.
Professor Caitlin Byrne (GAI) chaired a panel of experts, including Emeritus Professor Colin Mackerras (Griffith Univeristy), Julie-Anne Nichols (Queensland Trade and Investment Commissioner to China), Thomas Day (Enterprise Solutions Manager, China Practice AsiaLink Business), David Lane (Chair, ThompsonAdsett) and Matthew Tobin (Founder and Managing Director, UAP), to examine the important roles that business, education and cultural networks play in encouraging cooperation and collaboration between Queensland and China.
Conversations on the day examined the evolution of Queensland’s engagement with China—noting Queensland’s significant contribution to the relationship—as well as the factors contributing to this success. Drawing on a room of expertise, participants explored how businesses could further capitalise on these networks to enhance the Queensland-China relationship.