A close security relationship between Australia and Japan can extend the bi-lateral relationship in important ways, and also contribute to stability and cooperation within the current regional order. Expanding Australia-Japan security relations further, however, is not without its challenges in the current regional environment.
On Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 6:00pm at the State Library of Queensland, our panelists discussed the kinds of shared regional and bi-lateral interests that drive and will benefit from closer security relations, the challenges doing so may create for the bi-lateral relationship, and the ways in which stronger security ties might be achieved while also maintaining an inclusive regional environment.
Panelists included:
Ambassador Toshiro Iijima, Policy Planning and International Security Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan.
Ms Mami Mizutori, Executive Director, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, UK.
Mr Murray McLean AOM, former Australian Ambassador to Japan. He is the Chair of the Australia Japan Foundation and a Member of the Board of the Australia Japan Business Cooperation Committee.
Professor Rikki Kersten, Dean, School of Arts, Murdoch University.
Professor Andrew O’Neil, Head of School, School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University.
Watch the “Q&A Panel Event: Australia-Japan Security Relations in a Changing Region” YouTube video.
To view additional event photos, visit our “Q&A Panel Event: Australia-Japan Security Relations in a Changing Region” Facebook album.