Professor Cameron Thies, Director of the School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University and President-Elect, International Studies Association explored the future of Chinese leadership in the global economy. Watch the #PerspectivesAsia seminar online at
As China’s relative economic position has continued to rise, it has also sought a growing role in global economic governance. How should we think about the political and economic implications of Chinese aspirations? While existing theoretical approaches to such transitions predict conflict and contestation, Cameron suggests there is a broader theoretical framework to account for the patchwork of global governance that seems to be emerging with Chinese support. Referencing China’s approach to existing institutions supporting the US-led liberal international economic order, such as the IMF, World Bank, and Asian Development Bank, Cameron examines Chinese initiatives to provide additional global governance, including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and increased investment in the Indo-Pacific region. This talk will also discuss China’s behavior during a period of U.S. withdrawal of leadership in key global institutions governing the global economy.
Cameron G. Thies is Professor and Director of the School of Politics and Global Studies. He conducts research in the areas of statebuilding in the developing world, interstate and civil conflict, international trade, and international relations theory. He has published books with Routledge, Stanford, and Michigan. He has published in journal outlets such as the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, the British Journal of Political Science, World Politics, International Studies Quarterly, and the European Journal of International Relations, among others. He is the former founding co-Editor-in-Chief of Political Science Research and Methods, and currently Editor-in-Chief of Foreign Policy Analysis. He is the President-Elect of International Studies Association and was awarded the Foreign Policy Analysis Distinguished Scholar Award in 2016.
Co-hosted by Griffith Asia Institute and the Australian Centre of Asia-Pacific Art (ACAPA), Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) and Griffith Review. @GAIGriffith @QAGOMA @CameronThies
More information about Perspectives:Asia seminar series can be found online.
Images: Chloe Callistemon