COVID19: When will it be safe to loosen the restrictions?" was organised by the Australia-Indonesia Collaborative Programs on Sustainable Development and Climate Change (CAIPSDCC)—a joint collaboration between the Institute for Sustainable Earth and Resources (I-SER), Universitas Indonesia and Griffith University, Australia. This is the second in the CAIPSDCC webinar series, as part of the Planetary and Human Health to Fight Global Pandemic topic series. Read More
COLIN MACKERRAS | The downward spiral in Australia-China relations must stop. The Australian government must take a lead towards a major and long… Read More
When former President Hu Jintao visited Australia in 2003, he began his address to parliament by describing the exploits of a 15th century Chinese admiral, Zheng… Read More
Bruce Miller AO, is the Chair of the Griffith Asia Institute Advisory Council. He was Australia’s former Ambassador to Japan, draws out the domestic policy implications for Australia of the slapdash and reckless COVID19 responses of Britain and the United States. And suggest for the examination of other policy models in Asia or continental Europe. Read More
A post-pandemic Australia with a smaller national workforce would increase the pressure on the ADF to embrace automation at its airbases. The possibility that the post-Covid-19 era will leave us with fewer people makes airbase digital transformation essential. Read More
National mobilisation, the purposeful use of society’s resources to defend Australia and its interests, has been prominent in the managing of the 2020 pandemic. A deep analysis of this is a post-COVID-19 task but some matters relevant to thinking about future defence national mobilisations are already evident explains Griffith University’s Dr Peter Layton. Read More