China’s new era under Xi

We have all watched agog, these last 18 months, the shaking up of America under Trump. But a far more significant, radical and enduring transformation… Read More

Regional wrap

The last fortnight witnessed significant shifts in the geopolitical dynamics of the Indo-Pacific region. The 2+2 defence and foreign ministerial dialogue between Washington and New… Read More

The effects of the US-China trade disputes on Australian exports

The potential trade war between China and the US affect many countries like Australia in this era of globalization. Any tariff which is a tax… Read More

Peace treaty between Russia and Japan: Who benefits?

At the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum Vladimir Putin offered to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to conclude a peace treaty “without preconditions”… Read More

Since Singapore summit, Kim Jong-un is one up on Donald Trump

Almost three months to the day since the Singapore summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and President Donald Trump, the White House has confirmed it… Read More

Perspectives:Asia | Referenda on Independence in New Caledonia and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville

Professor Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh, Centre for Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University moderated an informative session with Ms Denise Fisher, former Australian Consul-General to New Caledonia,  Anthony… Read More

The Rohingyas: A new terrorist threat?

ANDREW SELTH  | There have been a small number of militant Muslim groups in Myanmar, but they were usually weak and disorganised. A few… Read More

Regional wrap

The last fortnight will go down as one of the most absurd in Australia’s political history. What began as a leadership challenge to Prime Minister… Read More

The ‘rule of law’ as a political weapon in Cambodia

The Law as a Political Weapon The Cambodian Government is not shy in using the law to suppress opposition voices and human rights defenders. In… Read More

Perspectives:Asia | Asia’s reckoning: The rise of China in Asia, America and Australia.

Richard McGregor, senior fellow for East Asia at the Lowy Institute explored the complex and fractious relationship between the US and China and its influence on… Read More