Advancing enterprise activities

Post archives: May 2020

Section 1: The University Imperative

We live in a changed world. We live in a changing world. This space where once we set down roots with some certainty and nurtured dreams and ambitions is no longer the same space. Everything moves differently – faster, more furiously, in directions we once thought not possible. Disruption will not be the new normal, it is that already. Today we lead disrupted lives. Read More

Deriving impact from universities – foreword

Ever since their establishment as institutions of higher education and research, universities have been different. Their evolution across the past ten centuries has seen them infused with an enduring ethos to benefit society. A university is still a community of teachers and scholars, a veritable epicenter of ideas, a concept factory, a birthplace of innovations and products that make the world a better place in which to live. A university is fueled by thought and progress, it is a think-tank for the betterment of society, an environment where the very act of education is an exercise in social enrichment. Certainly that is the intent. However, we live today in a world of constant change, uncertainty and unprecedented challenges, a situation only accentuated by the global events of 2020. We find ourselves in profoundly difficult territory. Read More